Monday, December 8, 2008

Bomb It

This was honestly the most awesome movie we watched all semester! I would have to say it even tops Dawn of The Dead only because I’ve seen that movie only a hundred thousand times. Bomb It was a lot of fun to watch because it was something I used to do back when I lived in Waldorf, Maryland. Of course it was a very small thing because the friends who accompanied me and I were not the most talented artists in the world. But we tried our best, and most of all we had fun doing it. Sneaking out late on a school night and traveling to a big building that we knew everyone would see the next morning and we wrote and drew our little hearts off. We usually would spray up some things that had meaning to us as the youth in America. Lyrics from a song that had strong meaning to us or a bible verse every now and then.
But of course society looks down upon such actions and our little crew and whatever crews had the same intentions were persecuted after. Whether it be by the local law enforcements, or local gangs. But after a while things just got too hot for us and we decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest to discontinue our little escapades into the night. It’s a shame though that we had to. As our “art” became more widely noticed people began to talk about it. The positive views on it made us all have a profound sense of pride. People had said that our word on the walls were very “deep” and had “a lot of meaning”.
But of course there were always negative views on what we did. A lot of it came from the police department. They had threats to throw any and all parties into Juvenile detention or have us fined and hit with community service. It was scary to think that what started off as fun and with good intentions became so serious and presented us with major consequences. But it wasn’t until we had threats from gangs that we decided to retired from our writing on walls. They threatened to kill anyone writing in their “territory”. And we decided that our lives weren’t worth it.
It’s a shame that we had to stop because of other’s ignorance. I miss doing it because it gave a lot of people a new outlook on life. It’s funny how such a small thing can have such a big impact on the world around you in many different ways…

1 comment:

Paul G. said...

I'm glad you could relate to some of the texts in the course, especially this one.