Monday, December 8, 2008


There's this story called Metamorphosis. It was written by this guy named Franz Kafka. The story (in short) is about a man named Gregor Samsa. All his life he has only worked to supports his entire family and himself. Always thinking of others and always putting himself last he never found time to get married, live his dreams or start a family. And somehow he has transformed into a giant insect. His family is revolted and disgusted. And in the end he ends up dying and nobody really cares, not even his own family. I most deffinetly did not like this story. It was mean, hurtful, and rather confusing.
How can one man devot his entire life to please his family and supporting them, and when one thing goes wrong they just drop him like a hot potatoe??? I think thats absolutely insane. And to top it all off, there's no moral to the story. Nobody realizes their wrong doings or tries to justify themselves. Gregor dies, nobody cries, and in the end his sister is the first to rise. Its absurd! But that's just my opinion.
On another note the story is so drawn out. Kafka packs so much detail in this little story that one you're halfway through you feel like you're drowning in a sea of spam and gummy worms. Which I personally haven't experienced. But I have had a bucket of spam dumped on my head... and I have had the misfortune to have choked on a gummy worm. So I figure if you put two and two together you kind of get the feeling of drowning in a sea of it all.

But of course this is just my personal opinion on the story. I totally respect the opinions of the other people of the world who happen to like this story. It takes a very open mind and... well the ability to swim in a sea of spam and gummy worms... but HEY! who doesn't like gummy worms!?!?


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